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Inmate Intake – Poppy chastity prison series – FancySteel
Enter the strange and twisted world of chastity prison.
Poppy is a young woman full of rebellious spirit. All day long she searches for all types of pleasure, even some forbidden by the laws of the state. Despite prostitution and sexual deviancy being illigal now in this state, Poppy still freely does as she pleases with no respect for the law. And because she freely does as she pleases, we will freely apply the penalty to her as we please with respect for the law.
Our special street team found her up to no good, clearly searching for a law to break. We arrested her, brought her in, and went through the usual booking process. However, this prison she was in was no ordinary prison. No, this was a special prison, a prison designed to curb deviant behavior. A prison to control her, to teach her, and to dominate her. This was Chastity Prison. We stuck poor Poppy into a small cell. With literially nothing to do. Time went by with nothing for her to do. However, this was all apart of our plan. A plan to catch her in the act, a plan to catch her in a trap. And like a spider waiting for a fly, we saw Poppy trying to curb her bordom by sticking her hand down her scrubs and playing with something that is off limits inside this prison.
This gives us the chance, as we catch her in the act, to put her in the real “cell” of chastity prison, in the form of one of our chastity belts. We will restrain her to our chairs to make sure she tries nothing funny as we lock her new metal panties to her person. There will be no escape, no running away. Her rebellious spirit will be broken by cold hard steel.Enter the strange and twisted world of chastity prison.
Genre: BDSM, Bondage, Fetish, Domination – M On F, Chastity, Punishment
Starring: Poppy
囚犯接收 – Poppy贞洁监狱系列 – FancySteel
我们特别街头小组发现她正在干坏事,显然是在寻找违反法规的机会。我们逮捕了她,并带走了她,并进行了通常的预订程序。然而, 她待过得这个监狱不同于普通监狱. 不, 这是一个专门设计来遏制变态行为的特殊监狱. 一个控制、教育、主宰她生活方式 的 监狱. 这就是贞洁之牢. 我们把可怜的Poppy关进一个小牢房。她无事可做,时间就这样过去了。然而, 这都是我们计划的一部分. 一个捉她现行、陷害她的计划. 就像蜘蛛等待苍蝇一样,我们看到Poppy试图通过将手伸进衣服下玩弄那些在监狱内禁止触碰的东西来打发时间。
这给了我们机会,在我们抓住她现行时,将她放入贞洁监狱真正的“牢房”,也就是我们其中一个贞洁带形式的牢房。 我们会用椅子束缚住她以确保当锁上新金属内裤时不会有趣味性动作出现。没有逃跑、没有逃走。 她叛逆精神将被冷硬钢铁所击败。
类型:BDSM,绑架,恋物癖,男对女主导 – 贞洁惩罚
受刑者の収容 – ポピー貞操獄シリーズ – FancySteel
ジャンル:BDSM、ボンデージ、フェティッシュ、支配 – M On F, 貞操, 罰